"Fool`s Gold Beauty" - exhibition of forgeries from the Police Museum collection
The purpose of the exibition of the forgeries from the collection of the Police Museum conveniently entitlet Fool`s Gold Beauty is to warn about the unscrupulousness of the black market intentionally aimed at deceiving well-intentioned, yet naive and inexpert art buyers.
Exhibition 'Dubrovnik, A Scarred City: The Deconstruction and Restoration of Dubrovnik 1991-2000' was opened on October 1st 2019 in the 2nd hall of the renovated Lazareti Complex as part of a program to commemorate the 28th anniversary of the start of the attack on Dubrovnik.
Mirko Ilić: The Second Before the Catastrophe – Comic Strip, Illustration and Design
With the exhibition Mirko Ilić: The Second Before the Catasrophe – Comic Strip, Illustration and Design curated by Marko Golub & Dejan Kršić Dubrovnik public will have a chance to find out why is Mirko Ilić after more than four decades still one of the most interesting graphic designers and illustrators and why he is a global star.